How to motivate your child to learn?

Parents, we know that life isn't always an easy, pleasant time for our children. Getting what you want often takes work and effort. Yet we also know that there's no better feeling than working hard and getting something out of it! So, how can we transmit this character trait to our children? We are all different, and we each have our own way of understanding the world around us, even the smallest children! We'll go over a few tips you can use to encourage your child when taking on something difficult to do!
"What good is making an effort?"
We live today in a society of immediate performance, and unfortunately, effort isn't really very popular. Success seems as easy as it is temporary. Even though we adults are able to make a connection between work and its results, children are more focused on immediate pleasure and satisfaction, so it's extremely important to teach them what effort is for! And what could be better than to show them the pleasure they can get from managing to overcome an obstacle by yourself? Show them that you're proud with their progress and that you're enthusiastic about what they manage to do! While you do this, they'll be gaining self-confidence and more independence.
Find the right motivation
Often, making an effort means motivation. And this is often where difficulties can arise! Every child is different, but there are two types of motivation that can be applied to both children and adults!
Intrinsic motivation: Your child will work by on their own and take pleasure in doing so! They'll also be having fun in making an effort, and their own curiosity will urge them to try to understand the world around them.
Extrinsic motivation: Your child will work because they don't want to be punished or because they want to please you. They'll be working not because they like to, but for other external reasons.
Of course, we are all driven by a blend of these types of motivation in every case, and it's easier to make an effort when you already enjoy what you're doing. Therefore, it's important to take into account your child's desires. Show them that by working on something they like, they can get over any obstacle! That way, it will also be easier for them to understand the importance of working on tasks they may find less pleasant.
In order to want to start doing something complicated, you need to have good self-confidence. And even beyond the notion of effort, in order for your child to properly grow, they need to be encouraged regularly! In order to boost your child's confidence, here are a few tips:
- Show them that they're very good and what they do Avoid using the word "hard."
- Knowing that they'll have to face difficulties may discourage them. Remind them that they've already succeeded!
- Show them that you trust them
- Of course, use positive words so they'll feel like they're being supported!

Learn through play
Finally, the best way to relate pleasure and effort with your child is still through play! Cultural and sports activities are already an excellent way to show that working isn't always unpleasant. You can use imagination in chores and work by making them into mini-games to help them understand them! There are still numerous solutions to help your child to get a taste for making an effort.
Every child is unique, and what works with one of them may be counterproductive for another. Be attentive, support their efforts, and try to gradually transfer their involvement toward other tasks they may not like doing. The common theme here is pleasure! If your child likes doing what they do, they'll be more inclined to learn.